CVD SiC Douchekop

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Wêrom is Silicon Carbide coating?

Semicera'sCVD SiCproses. The head uses advanced Specialty Graphite material, which has excellent thermal conductivity and chemical stability, ensuring reliable performance under extreme working conditions. Through efficient spray design, the CVD SiC Shower Head can achieve uniform gas distribution and ensure the quality of SiC film deposition on the wafer.


Dêrneist Semicera's


Us foardiel, wêrom kieze Semicera?

✓ Topkwaliteit yn Sina merk


✓ Goede tsjinst altyd foar jo, 7 * 24 oeren


✓ Koarte datum fan levering


✓ Lytse MOQ wolkom en akseptearre


✓ Oanpaste tsjinsten

quartz produksje apparatuer 4

Gegevens fan Semi-cera' CVD SiC Performace.

Semi-cera CVD SiC coating gegevens
Reinheid fan sic
Semicera Wurkplak
Semicera wurkplak 2
Semicera Ware House
Equipment masine
CNN-ferwurking, gemyske skjinmeitsjen, CVD-coating
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